paradox live


avex G CREST
Hip-hop Media Mix

In the near future, the Phantom Live movement was born anew
from the incredible saturation of hip-hop culture.

Rappers have accessories containing a metallic substance called Phantom Metal.

Through chemical reactions with their own DNA,
they create illusions linked to their emotions,
driving young people wild with spectacular stage shows.

At the Paradox Live event, 
held at the legendary CLUB Paradox,
which has suddenly returned upon the scene, 
four teams—BAE, The Cat's Whiskers, 
and Akanyatsura—battled for supremacy.

Although cozmez seized the victory, 
the intensity of the struggle won the hearts of legendary rappers BURAIKAN, 
igniting the spark of a new event.

After that, BURAIKAN went all over Japan 
to spread the word about the new event:

"This event will determine the next legendary artist. 
There is only one condition for participation—being a Phantom Rapper.

Your position, your title: they don't matter. 
Come on, everyone."
Starting with this message,
Inspired by this message, many intensely skilled contestants approached BURAIKAN.
From the most outstanding candidates, eight teams were selected.

Now the fight is getting fiercer, and the momentum is sure 
to take Phantom Live to new heights.
Who will be the next legendary artist?